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Project Results

Phase Reports

Phase report 1_2018

Phase report 2_2019

Phase report 3_2020


ISI papers:
  1. Dinescu S., Ignat S., Lazar A., Constantin C., Neagu M., Costache M., Epitranscriptomic signatures in lncRNAs and their possible roles in cancer, Genes (MDPI) 2019, 10(1):52.  [ISI 3,759]
  2. Chitoiu, L.; Dobranici, A.; Gherghiceanu, M.; Dinescu, S.*; Costache, M. Multi-Omics Data Integration in Extracellular Vesicle Biology- Utopia or Future Reality? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020, 21, 8550. [ISI 4,556].
  3. Dobre, E.G.; Dinescu, S.*; Costache, M. Connecting the Missing Dots: ncRNAs as Critical Regulators of Therapeutic Susceptibility in Breast Cancer. Cancers (MDPI) 2020, 12(9), 2698. [ISI 6,126]
* corresponding author
Book chapter:
  1. Dinescu S., Dobranici A., Tecucianu R., Selaru A., Balahura R., Ignat S., Costache M. (2020) Exosomes as Part of the Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Secretome- Opening New Perspectives for Cell-Free Regenerative Applications. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer Nature, New York, NY;

Dissemination to conferences/congresses
  1. Dinescu S., Ignat SR., Balahura R., Selaru A., Costache M., Human adipose-derived stem cells display altered exosomal miRNAs profile after interaction with breast cancer cells, FSEV Congress, 14-15.10.2019, Nantes, Franta.

  2. Dinescu S., Zarnescu O., Costache M., Human adipose-derived stem cells produce exosomes that carry pro-regenerative signals, Al 11-lea Congres National de Biologie Celulara cu participare internationala si a 37-a Sesiune Stiintifica Anuala a Societatii Romane de Biologie Celulara, 20-23.06.2019, Constanta, Romania.

  3. Dinescu S., Chitoiu L., Fertig TE., Zarnescu O., Costache M., Isolation and characterization of the exosomes released by the triple negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, Conferinta Internationala a SRBBM 2019, 26-27.09.2019, Iasi, Romania

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