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Project general description:


Project title: Molecular investigation of the exosomes-mediated interaction between stem and tumor cells

Project coordinator: University of Bucharest/ ICUB

Project Director: Asist. Univ. Dr. Sorina Dinescu

Email address:

Funding Agency: UEFISCDI

Project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-2057

Project Acronym: MIAMI

Project duration: 24 months (02.05.2018 – 30.04.2020)

Total funding: 250000 RON

Project Summary

Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) represent adult mesenchymal stem cells with beneficial properties for tissue engineering (TE) and wound healing, thus being currently considered reliable resources for implantation in regenerative medicine purposes. However, a number of studies showed that (1) hASCs possess the ability to respond to cancer signals and to migrate from the adipose tissue towards a tumor site and that (2) they are susceptible to genomic instability and neoplastic transformation. Exosomes are currently considered nanoshuttles of RNAs and proteins that facilitate communication between cells. 
Thus, the driving hypothesis of the present project proposal is that communication between hASCs and breast cancer cells (BCCs) in a tumor microenvironment via exosomes can possibly lead to a different response of hASCs during a regeneration/wound healing process by alteration of gene expression and signaling in these stem cells. 


General aim

The general aim of this research proposal is to investigate the in vitro exosome-mediated intercellular communication between hASCs and BCCs, with the purpose of testing hASCs safety for use in stem cell –based therapies.

Expected results and impact


Project impact envisages the scientific and medical fields- by improving knowledge in cancer research, TE, exosome-mediated communication and ethical aspects of using stem cells. The project results directly address patients with tissue defects or disease that are recommended stem-cell based therapies. 
Expected results include identification of miRNAs function in hASCs-BCCs interaction and a molecular-based conclusion on the safety of hASCs use for stem cell based therapies. 

Specific objectives


The specific objectives are:

(O1) to investigate hASCs-derived exosomes and their miRNAs;  

(O2) to investigate BCCs-derived exosomal miRNAs function on gene expression and epigenetic mechanisms in hASCs recipient cells;

(O3) to screen the non-coding RNAs cargo in the exosomes released by hASCs post-interaction with BCCs. 

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