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197 TE/2021

Project general description:


Project title: Molecular mechanisms involved in biomaterial-assisted peripheral nerve regeneration based on mesenchymal stem cells

Project coordinator: University of Bucharest

Project Director: Lecturer Sorina Dinescu, PhD

Email address:

Funding Agency: UEFISCDI

Project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1191

Project Acronym: MAGNIFICENT

Project duration: 24 months (04.01.2021 – 31.12.2022)

Total funding: 431900 RON

-Project Summary-

Injuries to the peripheral nervous system (PNS) have been listed as a serious affections among the patients. Any kind of trauma to the PNS can affect the quality of a patients’ life by loss of motor and sensory functions, essential for a normal lifestyle. Therefore, the focus of this research project is to investigate a new and modern approach of tissue engineering for peripheral nerve regeneration (PNR).

General aim

The general aim of this research proposal is to evaluate human adipose-derived stem cells’ (hASCs) potential for PNR assisted by novel gelatin (G) electrospun materials containing magnetic nanoparticles (M) and carbon-derived nanospecies (G) [GMG].

Expected results and impact


The outcomes of the present research proposal will consist in the validation of a novel biomaterial to assist PNR, which at the same time will be personalizable, due to the use of hASCs. Moreover, for the first time, the simultaneously incorporation of graphene oxide and magnetic nanoparticles will be investigated in the event of PNR. Another key result of this project will be to elucidate the effect of MNPs and applied magnetic field on hASCs differentiation towards neuron/glial cells in correlation with epigenetic modifications. Answers regarding mitochondrial remodeling and signaling pathways in the context of PNR will be also be provided at the end of the project. All these results will not only deliver new insights intro PNR, but will also bring a significant contribution to the scientific field and have an impact at social and economic levels, through offering a customizable treatment.  

Specific objectives


The specific objectives are:

(O1) to evaluate GMG biocompatibility with hASCs, neural stem cells and Schwann cells;

(O2) to assess GMG potential to support hASCs differentiation towards neuron-like and Schwann-like cells;

(O3) to investigate M and magnetic field potential for hASCs-mediated PNR;

(O4) Investigation of carbon derivatives influence on hASCs-mediated PNR.

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